Research & Development

On this week’s stop on the road kickoff 2023, it is time for an honest discussion about the USFL and just how close the rebooted league is to their 10-week season in Birmingham. The guy who wrote the (best) book about the old USFL came out last week to bluntly tell people to ignore the new USFL. Is that going too far or is author Jeff Pearlman right to be so skeptical of the Fox-owned spring league — should we really “boot the USFL reboot?” It is all honesty and never B.S. on the original official XFL podcast!

Also get some chatter about whether the XFL’s player recruitment strategy will be the hardest to task en route to kickoff next year, or is it really not that big a deal?

Show Notes:

Jeff Pearlman’s Boot This Reboot article on Deadspin

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